Dear Valued Patients:
It is with great sadness that we advise you that Dr. Michael Morrissey passed away suddenly & unexpectedly. He was a brilliant, witty, genuine caring man who treated everybody with kindness. He was a talented, skilled, and gifted surgeon who wanted the best for everyone he met. His commitment to his profession, patients, colleagues, and employees was unmatched. It was his honor and great pleasure providing for your health care needs over the years.
As of August 24, 2023, your medical records will be maintained by Anna-Maria Blake-Toler, MD. Dr. Blake-Toker’s address is 3150 Broad Street, Suite 100, Mansfield, Texas 76063, phone number 214-942-3740.
Your medical records are confidential, and a copy can be transferred to another doctor or released to you or to another person you designate only with your permission. If you choose to see a different physician, please request a medical authorization form from Dr. Blake-Toker and return it to Dr. Blake-Toker so your records can be transferred to your new doctor. ALL MEDICAL RECORD requests need to be sent directly to Dr. Blake-Toker’s office. Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Center of Texas is currently closed.
Best wishes for your future health.
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Center of Texas