Facial Dermal Fillers, Neuro Toxins and Kybella Injections In Plano Texas

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Facial Dermal Fillers, Neuro Toxins and Kybella Injections In Plano Texas

Kybella™ in Plano, TX

Maintaining a youthful, wrinkle-free appearance no longer requires surgery right away. Non-surgical injectable treatments like Botox, Dermal Fillers and Kybella have become an extremely effective way for men and women to keep the signs of aging at bay before they are ready for the more invasive treatments.

Botox Cosmetic (Neuro Toxins)

If you’re beginning to notice fine lines and wrinkles forming as a result of repeated facial expressions, Botox may be the answer for you. Whether you’re squinting, smiling, frowning, or anything in between, your facial muscles are pulling and folding your skin over and over again, eventually leaving behind lines and wrinkles. The crow’s feet, frown lines and nasolabial folds are just to name a few.

Botox relaxes these underlying muscles, therefore softening your expressions and improving the appearance of the existing signs of aging.  Botox also assist in preventing new ones from forming. Botox is carefully injected into the underlying facial muscles that are causing the lines and wrinkles. Continued use of Botox helps to control these wrinkles, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Results will typically last anywhere from 3-6 months.

Dermal Fillers

If you’re noticing deeper facial lines or wrinkles or facial volume loss, you may be better suited for dermal fillers such as the Juvéderm products made by allergan. Juvederm fillers are created using hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in your own skin, which helps give you that fuller, more youthful look. Our skin loses hyaluronic acid as we get older which causes the face to lose volume and form wrinkles.

When injected into the skin, the hyaluronic acid gel in Juvéderm products is used to fill in the area beneath the skin, helping to restore volume, giving the appearance of a smoother surface. These fillers are effective for treating common signs of aging such as smile lines, marionette lines, nasolabial folds, skin laxity, and can also be used for non-surgical lip enhancement.

Results from Juvéderm products can last up to a full year.


Kybella is the first and only FDA-Approved injectable to improve the appearance of fat beneath the chin by physically destroying fat cells.

Kybella is a new injectable treatment that dissolves away the excess fat that causes the “double chin” appearance. Kybella is a man-made form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring material that helps the body absorb fat. Double chins can be a difficult problem area, but with Kybella you can destroy the fat cells that contribute to this unflattering phenomenon.

If you’ve tried diet and exercise but still struggle with unwanted neck and chin fat, you are not alone. Many people who eat healthy and have no problem toning their arms, legs and abs still find it difficult to eradicate the fat around their submental area. This low hanging, fleshy region is often referred to as a “double chin.”

With Kybella, you can eliminate the need for liposuction or any other invasive fat-elimination techniques. Through a series of injections, Kybella mimics the body’s natural fat-absorption process and will leave you with a sleek and slim chin area that is picture perfect.

Results are long-lasting.