Mommy Makeover FAQ in Plano, TX

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Mommy Makeover FAQ in Plano, TX

What is a mommy makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a procedure or combination of surgical procedures aimed at rejuvenation of a woman’s body after the rigors of child bearing have had their effects.  It may include a breast augmentation or lift or combination of a lift and augmentation or even a breast reduction. Body procedures may include a tummy tuck with or with out liposuction. Each procedure is tailored to your individual needs.

Mommy Makeover in Plano, TX

Who is a candidate?

A good candidate is a woman who has completed her family, is in good general health, has a good support system at home and is looking forward to a healthy, active lifestyle in the years to come and wants to look and feel their best!

What is the surgery like?

Plastic surgery is REAL surgery.  It is most safely performed under a general anesthetic in a licensed, certified surgery center or hospital for your comfort and safety.  Procedures may take as little as an hour for a breast augmentation or liposuction of several areas to 3-5 hours or longer for a combination of breast and body procedures. Most procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis, but make sure that an overnight stay is available after procedures lasting more than 5 hours.

What is the recovery like?

Recovery time varies with each procedure. After a breast augmentation under the muscle, you may be sore for a week to ten days, less so for above the muscle.  Women who have had a C-section almost unanimously describe recovery from a tummy tuck as much easier but you will still need to give yourself 3-4 weeks to let your body to recover.  Some bonus effects that have been reported after tummy tuck with tightening of the abdominal muscles include improvement in posture and relief of lower back pain as well as improvement of stress incontinence, due to enhancement of core abdominal tone.  

What else do I need to know?

Make sure that your surgeon is qualified to do the procedures you desire. Look for certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons (ABPS) and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (ASPS). Also, ask to take a tour of the facilities; the operating room and recovery area in particular.  You should feel safe and comfortable with the facilities. Ask about how you will be able to reach the staff or your doctor after hours. Knowing all this ahead of time will make the whole experience more pleasant and worry free.


Michael Morrissey, MD is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon